Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Spring 2

Did someone say Spring?  Some sessions have definitely been very wintry with cold temperatures and snow to explore!  Children at Sutton tried to melt the snow, make 'snow soup' and mould snowballs.  We decided the best thing to do after playing in the snow was to warm up by the fire and toast a marshmallow.  


Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Spring 1

We have had all sorts of weather for our sessions over the past few weeks - snow, hail, rain, wind and a drop of sunshine!  To keep warm we have been learning to play different games - the pre-school children are getting very good at '1, 2, 3, where are you?' Year 2 at Sutton love to play 'Giants, Wizards and Pixies.'  At Hickling, a very wet afternoon session meant lots of mud play and sculpture. 

Some groups have been practicing knots and we have built swings and bridges, not forgetting  of course we are continuing to perfect our shelters.  

For the last couple of weeks we were treated to our first signs of Spring - catkins, sunshine and snowdrops! Long may it continue!